Monday, January 9, 2012

Property 1

Class was on a Saturday.  I am not fond of having class on a weekend, and to top it off the one day off did not seem like an actual weekend.  Saturday's to do list:

-  Property 1 lecture
-  Review Property notes
-  Con law set 2 MPQ1
-  Read middle 1/3 of Property CMR
-  Gym

All I did on Saturday was go to the lecture and go to the Gym.  Luckily it was the "weekend" so I finished up the rest of my to do list on Sunday and went to the gym again.  I really like the professor for property.  He has a super dull subject (even says most people don't like it) and manages to make it interesting and make it seem like I can actually learn everything for the bar exam.

Time to go to class.  Good luck studying everyone!

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