Wednesday, December 28, 2011

BarBri MBE Preview Day 1

So class started today.  I got there at 8:30 for registration and saw lots of people from summer bar prep.  We also waited around for anything to start until 10am.  Why did I get there so early?  It was pretty pointless to just sit around and wait.

So we watched Mike Sims give his pep talk for an hour today.  It seemed like it was supposed to be geared towards the winter bar takers, but our outline book is this yellowish color not black.  Also, BarBri has cut 6 hours of bar prep out.  No longer are their class lectures on Tax and Bankruptcy.  This made me a little sad as I love tax and bankruptcy (I know I know most attorneys and law students hate those topics).

After Mike Sims we took a 25 question Torts practice and then watched the lecture on it.  I did pretty well on the practice which made me feel like I'm actually remembering things.  The lecture was a bit jumpy because their were problems with the DVD.

I met a St. Mary's law student for lunch across the street from the hotel where bar prep is going on and ended up being about 5 minutes late to the second part of the day.  It was okay though because I was able to finish my 25 question Criminal Law set.  The lecture on this one was so bad that I asked the proctor if there was another DVD.  His response was that there were no guarantees that the other DVD would be better than the one that was already playing.  It was so bad that people started to leave.  I felt like I should stay so I wouldn't already be behind in the Paced Program.  He finally switched DVDs when the lecture just stopped.  The alternate DVD was still skipping but much better than the pervious one.

So today I took a little bit of time for myself and went to the gym.  I would like to encourage all the bar takers to remember to take care of yourself and do something for yourself each day during bar prep so you don't go completely crazy.

Good luck studying everyone!

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