Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Landlord tenant law you are so boring

Today's lovely topic was landlord tenant law.  It went pretty well and I'm pretty sure my problem issue in property is (drum roll please) future interests (is that really any surprise).  Since property is pretty boring, and I am pretty tired I won't bore anyone (including myself) with the details of today's study session except to say that listening to the BarBri lecture was torture.  I'm super excited about reviewing my property outlines for tomorrow.

I did have lunch with one of my friends who passed the bar today.  I am happy to say I have reached the point where I can feel happy for my friends who did pass.  I was told that I have a better outlook than many people in my situation.

Which brings me to the topic of why blog about retaking the bar exam.  To be frank, not many people seem to discuss retaking the bar.  It was almost a taboo topic at my law school.  I know that my graduating class had almost 20 people fail the bar, so I know I am not alone.  I was surprised to find that the topic wasn't discussed much.  Bar prep in general is discussed quite a bit, and I remember several lectures from the deans of my law school talking about how important passing the first time is, but what about those who don't pass the first time.

I did law school out of state, and I know that the people who failed the bar in the state I went to law school in received emails from the school about how to pass on the next try.  I have yet to receive any thing like that from my school (even though we had at least 4 fail the Texas bar exam).  In short if you are reading this and are retaking, you are not alone.

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