Monday, January 9, 2012

Property 2

Today was incredibly long and it wasn't completely BarBri's fault.  Today's to do list consisted of:

-  Property II lecture
-  Review Property notes
-  Con law set 3 MPQ1
-  Con law set 4 MPQ1
-  Read last 1/3 or property outline in the CMR
-  Read Texas Property Distinctions in the TX book
-  Gym
-  Blog

So today I went to the lecture and had trouble staying awake.  I will admit I stayed up way too late last night because I was having trouble sleeping.  I have also decided to try and drink more water since I am working out most days, so I am cutting back one the caffeine (hopefully this will make the caffeine more effective come those last 2 weeks leading up the the bar exam).

I get home from class and type up my property notes since that is how I am reviewing.  Did anyone else notice that we covered significantly more on Property day 2 than we did on property day 1 and now are actually 2/3rds through with the outline?

I start working on the Con Law set 3 and my dad comes in to where I am studying and starts talking to me.  Now usually when I am studying everyone leaves me alone, so I knew something was wrong.  My dad says he needs to go to the hospital.  I pack up my stuff and take him to the hospital and am working on the MPQ1 sets in the hospital ER.  I did better than average according to the MPQ1 book in the front, so that made me feel a bit better.  If I can do Constitutional law questions and get them right in an ER waiting room, I should be able to do them and get them right during the bar exam (right??).

The gym was good tonight.  I am really enjoying going and having time to myself to forget about the day and just relax for an hour.  I am also pretty proud that I finished my to do list even with the unanticipated trip today.

I got an email from Barbri that freaked me out a little bit saying that we are close to 1/3 done and that we should not be submitting essays yet.  I want to know who has tried to submit an essay.  The essay writing work shop doesn't happen until after Oil and Gas.

Hope everyone is doing well in keeping up with the paced program and feels like they are learning the material!

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