Monday, January 2, 2012

MBE Preview Day 5

I did not miss days blogging for once.  The BarBri schedule said that today was Day 5 of the MBE preview.  With the Paced Program in full swing I have found it helpful to make To Do lists so that I don't forget anything (last time I got a little lazy with keeping up with the Paced Program).  This is what the To Do list looked like today:

-  MBE Preview Day 5:  Constitutional Law Lecture
-  MBE Preview Day 5:  Contracts Lecture
-  MBE Preview Day 5:  Criminal Law Lecture
-  MBE Preview Day 5:  Evidence Lecture
-  MBE Preview Day 5:  Property Lecture
-  MBE Preview Day 5:  Torts Lecture
-  Legal Learning Assessment
-  BarBri AMP MPQ1 Contracts
-  Read Leases in the CMR
-  Read first 1/2 of Contracts in the CMR
-  Gym
-  Blog

I am happy to say that as of posting this blog I have finished my entire To Do list.

The 6 lectures took the better part of 6.5 hours today.  I followed the schedule for them that was supplied the first day of the MBE preview except that I started a little later than 9am.  The lecturer was pretty good, it was the same guy that lectured on day 2.  I felt like I was able to pay attention the whole time, and the breaks were really well timed.  I should remember this when I am doing actual studying.  Every hour of studying gets a 10 minute break and after 3 hours of studying take an hour break.

The Legal Learning Assessment was supposed to help you know what kind of learner you are and what will help you the most in everything BarBri has to offer.  I have a mild preference for Read/Write with my next highest learning preference being Kinestethic which was 5 points lower than Read/Write.  Aural and Visual were not very big at all.  BarBri says that the most helpful things they offer for me are the Outlines, Summary Charts, the Analytical Answers that are included with the practice questions, and the Paced Program software.  I already knew I had a learning preference for Read/Write because that is how I have always learned best.

The next thing on my list of things to do was the stuff that BarBri says to do in preparation for tomorrows lecture.  If you can't guess tomorrows lecture is Contracts Day 1.  Apparently this BarBri AMP thing is going to continue throughout all of Bar Prep.  I liked that what I did in preparation for tomorrows lecture was structured like bar questions.  Reading the Conviser (CMR) was a pain, but I was able to pinpoint areas in my brief reading that I have struggled with (especially after answering a question set).

Today's "me time" activity was swimming at the gym.

Good luck studying everyone.  I think by tomorrow BarBri will have started for everyone in the country.

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